Saturday, January 5, 2008

Staring down a Nut Goodie

How are you doing with your New Year's resolutions?

I made no firm resolutions for 2008, but I do try to stay healthy by maintaining a good diet and getting regular exercise -- things that top most resolution lists.

And that made for a challenging week, what with the homemade cookies from the boss, other leftover Christmas goodies -- and the boxes of Nut Goodies and Salted Nut Rolls staring at me from the table in my office. These delicious confections came back with me from the Twin Cities after Christmas. I don't hand the candy bars out, I just leave them on the table and wait for my colleagues to succumb to their own temptations. Now how evil is that?

Be sure to check out reporter Stacey Eidson's cover story in Saturday's WellBeing, the Herald's weekly health section. If you care about your health, you've probably seen some of this information before, but it's still a good idea to remind yourself of ways to stay on track with your resolutions and health.

There are several good tips on doing just that in Stacey's story. One of the key points made by Bradenton nutrition consultant LuAnne Howard is to not consider your favorite food the enemy.

"My motto is: There are no bad foods, there are just bad portions,''Howard told Stacey. That's something my sister, who is also a nutritionist, always reminds me. If you really want some of those delicious buttery mashed potatoes, don't totally deny yourself. But limit yourself to one fist-sized helping or smaller.

Another piece of advice from Howard is to consider a long-term approach to weight loss. By not putting pressure on yourself to immediately lose weight after Jan. 1, you have a better chance to succeed with your goals.

Now back to the candy bars on my desk. I somehow managed to stare down the Nut Goodies all week and won. But I slipped up Friday and grabbed a Salted Nut Roll, no doubt lured by the "Good source of protein" promise on the wrapper.

Good luck with your resolutions in '08.
